Holiday Preparation

In the lead up to going away on holiday, please ensure you have checked your medication and healthcare requirements prior to travel.
Travel vaccination appointments need to be booked at least 6 weeks before travel.
If you are going to run out of medication during your holiday, please ensure you contact the Practice prior to travel. Standard medication requests can take up to 48 (working) hours to be processed. If you require a review this may further extend the time to prescribe your medication. Medication requests will not be given urgent on the day appointment slots.

If you require quantities of medication that differ to what you are normally prescribed i.e. you are going on a long trip, or you require alternative support/medication i.e. delaying of a menstrual cycle, please ensure you contact the Practice 4 weeks prior to travel to book a routine appointment. These requests will not be given urgent on the day appointment slots.

New NHS prescriptions (including current repeat medication) cannot be issued to patients who are outside of the UK. Please ensure you are aware of how to access healthcare abroad, including obtaining medication.